How To Start A Podcast On Spotify
If you want to know how to start a podcast on Spotify you’ve come to the right place. Starting a podcast on Spotify is super easy and is something that can help you grow your brand, create new relationships, and add a ton of positive things to your business or life.
I want to share with you the step by step process for how you can get your podcast on Spotify. But before I do it’s important to frame this correctly. There are really two things you are looking to solve here:
- How do I launch a podcast
- How do I get my podcast on Spotify
Because if you only want to know how to get your podcast on Spotify, the short answer is “submit your podcast RSS link to the Spotify for Podcasts form.” There are a few more steps to get to that point, which I’ll share below, but that’s the abbreviated version.
Let’s start at the beginning with the most important question: How do I launch a podcast? Because without having a podcast it doesn’t matter how to get it on Spotify.
10 steps for how to launch a podcast
- Choose Your Podcast Topic
- Choose Your Podcast Format
- Determine Your Content Type
- Brainstorm Ideas
- Determine Episode Length
- Purchase Your Podcast Equipment
- Choose Your Podcast Recording Software
- Write Your Podcast Script
- Record Your First Podcast Episodes
- Sign Up For A Podcast Hosting Provider
I’ll break down each of these steps for launching a podcast in more detail as the context will really help you out.
Choose Your Podcast Topic
Decide on a specific focus for your podcast to make it easier to write scripts and find guests. The more specific you are the better. Just ask yourself “What topic or industry is my podcast going to focus on?”
Choose Your Podcast Format
Decide between an interview-based, topic-based or combination format for your podcast. Interview podcasts can be great for getting a fresh and different perspective every show. This allows you to deliver unique value to your listeners that they can’t get elsewhere. It also is great for growing your audience as it allows you to build your network out quicker (since your guest will likely share the episode with their next.)
Topic based are exactly as it seems: based around topics. This level of specificity is something that will draw your audience to you.
Determine Your Content Type
Choose between Evergreen or Real Time content, or consider having a mix of both for a longer shelf life and short bursts of high engagement. Evergreen content is great because it lasts forever. The content is just as relevant today as it is a year from now. Real Time content is based on NOW. Talking about what happened in Week 15 of the 2022 NFL season isn’t as relevant one year from now.
I find that the best podcasts are a mixture of the two. It allows you to create fresh content, while at the same time having stuff that is timeless.
Brainstorm The Best Podcast Ideas
Dedicate 30 minutes to writing down ideas for your podcast, focusing on what you’re passionate about and what you know or have learned. This will remove the excuse of “I don’t know what to talk about”.
And if you want this to be even easier, here’s a list of the best podcast ideas
Determine Podcast Episode Length
Decide how long you want your podcast to be. I encourage you to think shorter vs longer (as that makes it easier to execute and is how people consume podcasts now). I recommend 20-30 minutes or less. Many of my most successful podcast episodes have been 3 – 7 minutes long.
Purchase Podcast Equipment
Keep it simple at the beginning. Get a good microphone so your audio quality sounds good. After that you can build out your podcasting studio as you get better. Here is my podcast equipment Starter Kit to help you.
Choose Your Podcast Recording Software
The quickest and easiest option is Zoom. It’s free (or low cost), very easy to use, and allows you to record both the audio and video (which you can then put up on Spotify or YouTube).
Write Your Podcast Script
The better the foundation you have when creating your podcast the better it will be, and the easier it will be on you to consistently publish episodes.
Preparation is the key. Both with putting together a show outline (in general) as well as creating talking points for each episode. The simple structure you’ll want to follow is: Intro, a few show topics, outro, call to action.
Sign Up For A Podcast Hosting Provider
The last thing you’ll do is sign up for a podcast hosting provider. This is where you upload your podcast audio file which then gets distributed to Spotify, iTunes and all the other podcasting directories.
Don’t sweat the podcasting hosting as it is not very complex and you do not need any technical background. The host that you choose really comes down to how often you are podcasting (aka the amount of monthly storage you need.) After that it’s minor details that aren’t worth you digging deep into.
I use Buzzsprout for my podcast hosting provider because it’s reliable and easy to set up.
How To Start A Podcast On Spotify
Now that you have your podcast recorded and you are ready to launch, let’s get to what you really want to know. “How do I get my podcast on Spotify?” This part is pretty easy so I’ll give the step by step instructions.
- Create a Spotify account
- Copy your RSS feed link from your podcast hosting provider
- Go to Spotify for Podcasters
- Update all your podcast information
- Submit your podcast to Spotify
Here is the details for getting your podcast on Spotify. This process should take you no more than 15 minutes.
Create a Spotify account
If you don’t have a Spotify account already you’ll need to sign up for one. Here is the form to sign up.
Copy your RSS feed link from your podcast hosting provider
After you’ve uploaded your first podcast episodes to your hosting platform, the next step is to go find the RSS feed link and copy it. And RSS feed is pretty much just an address for your podcast in URL form. Often times your RSS feed is in the Directories or Settings section of your podcast hosting provider.
Go to Spotify for Podcasters
Open up Spotify for Podcasters and log in with your Spotify account. After that click “Get Started”.
After that you’ll want to paste in your RSS feed link and then hit Next.
What’ll happen next is Spotify will verify that you own the podcast. The way they’ll do this is by sending you a code via email to verify. So make sure to go into the email account that you signed up to Spotify with so you can confirm it.
Update all your podcast information
Once you verify your podcast then it’s time for you to put in all the information about your podcast. This includes the country your podcast was made, your primary language, your hosting provider, and the primary category.
Submit your podcast to Spotify
Once all that information looks good click “Submit”. Typically it takes up to 72 hours for your podcast to be approved by the Spotify team, though from my experience I’ve found it to be must faster (only a few hours). Also of note: Spotify won’t notify you when your podcast is live so you’ll make sure to check the platform to see when it is up.
What Now For My Podcast?
There you have it! 10 steps for easily launching a podcast, and 5 steps for how to start a podcast on Spotify. The key to your success begins right this second by taking action. There are tons of people who think about launching a podcast. But what is the ultimate separator is doing something with the process you just learned.
And if you’d like a podcast coaching program to help you accelerate the speed in which you launch your podcast then I encourage you to check out Shining Your Voice.