30 Days Of Excellence: My Testimonial And Why You Should Join
Jesse Itzler’s 30 Days of Excellence program is one of the best things I’ve ever been part of and .
I want to share a testimonial for how 30 Days Of Excellence has been game changing for my mindset, lifestyle, and personal development and it can be for you too.
To set the foundation, I want to share the 30 Days of Excellence Mantra:
I commit to give my all to every activity I participate in.
I pledge to be fully present and try my hardest.
No matter how big or how small the task is, for the next 30 days, I am committed to excellence!
This speaks to the mindset and level of commitment to excellence that being part of this community brings.
Now that we’ve got that established, what I want you to do is dream with me for a second. In order for 2021 to be the best year of your life, what does that look like for you?
Close your eyes. Think big. Picture amazing things happening for you.
How’s that feel?
In order for the dream you have in your mind to come true, what do you think needs to happen? What support do you need? Who is in your corner? What knowledge do you need to acquire? What new habits and routines are you adopting?
I’m here to tell you that being part of 30 Days of Excellence will put you on the path to make your vision a reality.
How do I know? Because it’s already happened for me. Success leaves breadcrumbs and this is one of the breadcrumbs.
Let’s get to the nuts and bolts of what exactly 30 Days of Excellence entails and let’s start at the top.
The Coaches:
30 Days of Excellence is lead by Jesse Itzler, Chadd Wright, and Marq Brown. When you learn from them you are learning from the best.
What I enjoy about being in their presence is they give it their all. They empty their cup. They’ve done some incredible things in their lives and teach from their experiences.
On top of that, they are always growing and striving to be better. There is no resting on their laurels. This serves as incredible inspiration and gives a heartbeat to the community. They ooze authenticity because we see them practicing what they preach every single day. I can’t think of a better set of role models and mentors to have.
What They Share:
On the weekly 30 Days of Excellence calls they share the habits, routines, and mindset of the most successful people in the world.
What keeps them going?
How do you find motivation – especially when things are tough?
How do they attack their day?
What sets winners apart?
What more are you capable of?
You get a better understanding for what makes them tick, and in the process you have them in your ears and head for life. This is invaluable as you get a weekly drip of success mindset and excellence. It definitely helps me with focus and becoming a better version of myself.
Bringing On Experts:
As if learning from Jesse, Chadd, and Marq isn’t enough, as part of 30 Days Of Excellence they bring on experts to teach us something incredible.
Here are some of the experts who have joined us on calls:
- How to have a limitless brain with Jim Kwik.
- Breathing and cold water therapy with Wim Hof.
- How to have a better memory with 4x World Memory Champion Nelson Dellis.
- Reading body language with body language expert Janine Driver.
- How to easily eat healthier and cleaner with Souper Jenny.
Each of these experiences had an immediate impact in my life (and would for you too).
Words I’d use to describe 30 Days of Excellence:
Game changing, high performance, lifestyle design, inspiration, supportive, real, unique, authentic.
Being part of 30 Days of Excellence is unlike anything I’ve ever been part of, and I say that in the best way possible. It is a mental and lifestyle journey that is applicable in your business and everyday life. It is about making your life better.
There’s a quote from one of the calls that really resonated with me:
Excellence is not something you can outsource. Success is about being good in multiple things. Be excellence in every bucket of your life. Get the ROI you deserve.
you are going right to the source of excellence. You are speeding up the learning and growth process all while having support around you.
How I approach being part of 30 Days of Excellence:
I have big goals and dreams and because of it I am a student of the game of personal development. I am a sponge for learning.
Because of this, I show up every single week on Wednesday at 8 pm (EST) for the Zoom calls. I make it a priority in my life to be there live. That way I can soak up the goodness that is being offered. Do not underestimate the value of the energy you will receive by hearing Jesse, Chadd, and Marq speak. It’s through the roof.
While on the calls I am taking notes the entire time. I do this so I can go back and review them at a later date. The information you learn on these calls are so valuable that you are going to want to continue to drive them home in your head until they are part of who you are.
The Community:
We’ve all heard the quote, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most amount of time with.” I’ll add to that “the last book you read and last video you watched.”
You want to be the average of the people who are leading this because they are the best of the best in the world.
You also want to be part of a community of people who are on their own journey to be great and live incredible lives.
You can feel the love and support and achievement everywhere you go when you are part of 30 Days of Excellence.
Not only are the Zoom calls great, but there is also a Facebook group where you can connect with others in the community.
Being part of 30 Days of Excellence is the no brainer of the century. It has made me a better person in all areas of my life. From business, to health, to relationships, to mindset. In the process of making myself better, I am better able to show up for others around me. Rinse and repeat.
I want to say thank you to Jesse Itzler, Chadd Wright, Marq Brown and everyone who helps put 30 Days of Excellence together. It’s an invaluable part of my life and development that I look forward to every week.
It is an absolute game changer that will change your life for the better.
. It’s the best decision you’ll make today and the rest of the year. It’ll put you in a position to succeed in 2021 and make it the best year of your life.
Also, through the end of November 2020 if you (which will make the investment just $45/month).
If you’ve got any questions hit me up on any social media platform @RobCressy.
Sending good vibes your way.